Raidable Bases

Скидка Raidable Bases 2.8.5

buyraid - buys a raid, eg: buyraid easy, buyraid easy steamid, buyraid 0, buyraid 0 steamid. I suggest typing the command and using the UI to buy bases.

rb - for players to see the ladder (also for admins to see the status of each raid going on, which includes showing the allies and owners of each raid)

rbe despawn - despawns a players purchased base if they have raidablebases.despawn.buyraid permission

For admins, or players with the admin permission raidablebases.allow:

rbe debug - toggles debug messages shown every second to server console for maintained and scheduled warning messages

rb grid - see the grid and all monument names

rb resettime - reset the time for the next scheduled event

rb savefix - to cancel a server save that has become stuck - requires authlevel 2

rbe - spawns a base at the position you are looking at. You cannot spawn a base on a player (including yourself)

rbe draw - draw the raids radius

rbe despawn - despawn a base near you (can be used by players with raidablebases.despawn.buyraid permission to despawn a base they purchased)

rbe despawnall - despawn all bases. careful!

rbe [basename] [difficulty] - spawn a raid at the location you are looking at

rbe expire steamid/playername - removes a lockout for a specific player

rbe expireall - resets all cooldowns and lockouts for every player

rbevent [basename] [difficulty] - spawn a raid randomly on the map - and teleport to it if using the command in-game

rb.reloadconfig - allows you to reload the config without needing to reload the plugin. Some changes are not applied immediately, and no changes are retroactive to bases that are already spawned.

rb.reloadprofiles - reloads profiles and base loot tables

rb.reloadtables - reloads all loot tables

rb.config - allows you to edit the config by adding, removing, and listing bases. Requires the permission raidablebases.config when not being used from the server console.

rb.toggle - toggles Maintained Events and Scheduled Events on/off, if enabled in the config, until plugin reloads

rbe setowner name - Sets the player as the owner of the raid

rbe clearowner - Clears the owner of the raid

rbe active - shows information on the status of each raid and your copypaste file rotation

Additional Bases allows you to add additional files to an existing base so that all bases in that list share the same configuration as the primary base/profile. This is great for setting up a list of bases for easy, medium, hard, expert and nightmare.

rb.populate will populate specific loot tables with every item in the game (items are disabled by default as their amounts are set to 0)

Arguments: rb.populate easy/medium/hard/expert/nightmare/all

Arguments: rb.populate 0 1 2 3 4 all


Configure the items to your liking then copy the files contents into a loot table that you would like to use (for example Difficulty Loot/Easy.json)
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